Kinesiology Services
Kinesiology Balance $120
Duration 90 minutes
On your first visit you will begin by filling out a client history form and a Wellness Checklist. We will have a chat about the reasons for your visit, goals you would like to achieve and how you would like to feel. I will briefly explain what I will be doing during the balance. You will lay fully clothed on a massage table during the treatment.
The major tool used in kinesiology is muscle monitoring this allows me to identify where the stress is causing dysfunction. Corrections will then be applied using various techniques. You will take home your own prescribed Attitude with Essence remedy that relates to your balance.
You may like to book the Wellness Package for ongoing balances and maximum results. ($55 discount).
Kinesiology Wellness Package $550
Duration 90 minutes per session
5 x sessions (paid upfront)
save $55.
Regular kinesiology appointments can help you make positive changes in your life by improving your overall health and wellbeing. Some issues are old and deep and we may have to explore many layers to find the underlying core issue. This package is ideal for those that have chronic issues such as back pain, neck pain, hormonal issues, anxiety, depression, sleeping disorders, any issue that is ongoing and not shifting.
For optimal results, it is recommended to have the 5 Wellness balances fortnightly and then to continue with balances on a as needs basis. Regular kinesiology appointments can help you make positive changes in your life by improving your overall spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.
Chakra Balance $100
Duration 60 minutes
The chakras are about energy. They are the wheels that heal. There are 7 main chakras located from the base of the spine to the crown and each chakra offers a different perspective on life or any given situation. The chakras are subtle rather than physical and they receive, store and transmit energy that flows between you and the universe. If there are any restrictions or blockages of this energy flow it can be felt as disconnection, discomfort, lack of energy, fear, emotional imbalances or disease.
In this balance, I will find the priority chakra and correct any disharmony or disconnection in the flow of energy on each plane of the chakra that shows. Some of the planes that could be investigated are physical, etheric, mental, emotional, astral and buddhic. When the chakra is balanced it will have a harmonious flow of energy and you will feel relaxed, centred, grounded, energized and aware.